Monday, June 25, 2012

First Day of Camp

So, as much as I absolutely live and breathe for my gorgeous girls, I have been very excited for the day when they would start separation classes and go do camp or school or whatever on their own.  I was excited for them to be growing up and I was excited for me to start to have some real free time.  I don’t want to say to get my life back because I feel guilty saying that, but that’s basically what I mean.  Anyway, today was finally the day! 

The girls started their first completely separated from me camp!  It’s scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-12.  However, over the last 2 weeks or so, I have found myself getting more nervous than totally excited and I was surprised!  But, this morning I felt like it was my first day of camp!  I had butterflies in my stomach and was super anxious to make sure the girls were okay.  I mean, I’ve been with them all day every day (minus when I’ve had Emma babysit) for the past 22 months.  What if they need something and the counselors don’t understand what they’re saying?  What if they feel scared without me?  What if…..was all I kept thinking about.  But, I am so happy to say my girls were freaking rock stars today!!!

I walked them into their meeting room and they immediately let go of my hands and started playing with some toys.  I got ready to leave and said, “Okay girls, give Mommy kisses and say bye bye.”  I expected some tears, but both my girls gave me kisses and said, “Bye bye Mommy.  Mommy be back,” and continued playing.  Kayla stopped for a second and said, “Mommy,” but one of her counselors distracted her and that was that!  Of course I got into my car, called Dave and I cried, but they were fabulous!  I’m so proud of them, but I’m also a little sad.  They’re really such big girls now and I can’t believe they’re almost 2 years old already!  After those first 4 months, time has really flown!!

Anyway, I picked the girls up and they didn’t even want to leave!  They were blowing bubbles and having a great time.  The only complaint I have is the horrendous rain this morning and they wouldn’t let me get a great picture of their first day of camp!  But, I’ll try again on Wednesday and just pretend it was the first day!  Anyway, I think we are all excited to go back to camp on Wednesday!! 

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